DineEngine CMS Features

Content Management System with API

DineEngine allows restaurant owners and staff to easily manage the content of their ordering apps, such as updating menu items, specials, and forms, without needing to know how to code.

DineEngine CMS Features
File management in DineEngine CMS

Digital Asset Storage and Management

Make your online ordering experience truly yours. Customize the DineEngine platform to bring forth your brand using the CMS' features such as menu imagery and file storage.

Ordering channels controlled by the DineEngine CMS
  • Web
  • Mobile App
  • Kiosk
  • Tableside
Squares with cms integrations inside

Real-time settings editor and theming system

Save time and resources. Ensure that your apps always have up-to-date information. Configure, enable, and modify key settings instantaneously inside DineEngine CMS.

  • Attach analytics tracking keys
  • Create SEO descriptions and keywords
  • Menu and location sync with 3rd party ordering
  • Enable Facebook and Apple login
Feature Highlight

Order Again

The fastest way to check out.

DineEngine provides your guests with quick and easy access to their past orders so that they can order what they want in the fastest way possible.

Book Demo
Mockups showing DineEngine loyalty screens

DineEngine Global Features

Give your customers what they really want, a frictionless guest experience with seamless ordering.

Ready to increase your restaurant's online sales this quarter?

Learn more about how DineEngine's restaurant ordering system can increase check size and online revenue.