DineEngine Features

In-App Messaging & Push Notifications

Keeping your mobile app sticky is important, with DineEngine we connect to your favorite messaging system, like OneSignal.

Phone screen showing DineEngine push notifications

Push Notifications: Remind Guests To Come Back For More

Push notifications can help a restaurant brand with customer retention on their mobile app by keeping customers informed about promotions, discounts and new menu items. Additionally, push notifications can be used to facilitate other loyalty program features and offer rewards to frequent customers, further promoting retention.

Squares with loyalty partner logos inside

Push Notifications Partners

  • OneSignal
  • Paytronix
  • Personica
  • Pusher (Coming Soon)

Don't see your push notification provider?

We’re here to help. Reach out to us about integrating with your push notification alternative of choice.

Feature Highlight

Single Sign On

Connect login with your providers in one place.

DineEngine makes it easy for you to bridge the gap between all of the provider partners that you deal with on a daily basis. Guests will be able to sign-in one time on one website/app and be able to reap the benefits of your loyalty and ordering programs.

Book Demo
Single sign-on graphic

DineEngine Global Features

Give your customers what they really want, a frictionless guest experience with seamless ordering.

Ready to increase your restaurant's online sales this quarter?

Learn more about how DineEngine's restaurant ordering system can increase check size and online revenue.